SIPO Permissions

Permission to make SIPO payments.

SIPO payments allow us to use the collection service of the Czech Post Office (Česká pošta).

Description of specific fields Effectiveness of SIPO permission

To allow for new SIPO payments being effective from the next collection month you must establish it at least one working day before the 25th day of month before 8.00 p.m. at the latest. If the 25th day is for example Sunday you must establish the SIPO permission no later than on the 22nd day by 8:00 p.m. The same applies if the 25th day of
a month falls on Monday.

Making SIPO payments

SIPO payments will be debited from your account one working day before the 15th calendar day of the month (if the day is not a working day, then it must be at least two working days before the relevant date). If there are insufficient funds in your account, we will attempt to make SIPO payments on an alternative day, one working day before the 23rd calendar day of month (if the day is not a working day then it must be two working days before the relevant date). Only if there are sufficient funds in your account, will SIPO payments will be made.

Account to be debited

Please choose an account from which you would like to make a payment. You will find all the accounts connected to electronic banking here.


Please enter a maximum amount per SIPO payment which you expect for one ´connecting´ account. A minimum amount must be CZK 1 while a maximum amount should not exceed CZK99,999.

Connecting number

Enter the identification data of your SIPO allocated by the Czech Post Office (Česká pošta).


Please give a name to each direct debit to better distinguish particular direct debit orders.

Confirmation of payment remittance (“authorization”)

Payment remittance needs to be confirmed by authorization method (Smart key, SMS key, certificate).

If you set up the “Simplified authorization” for selected payments (payments up to CZK 500, payments to trusted accounts, transfers between your own accounts), just click on “Confirm”, further authorization is not required.

Sending a payment

After successful authorisation, a message is displayed on the screen to confirm that we have received your request for sending the payment. You can save the confirmation to your PC by choosing “Save as” or print it by using the “Print” option. We can also send you a confirmation of your request for an outgoing payment by SMS or email.